29 July 2008

Yellow 3 Reds 0

Weather was almost perfect to welcome the game at the Grand Old Lady for one last time last evening. Nevermind did I bring along two sets of Windbreaker to stand-by, the weather will be totally perfect if the wind could blow a little more stronger!

To stay neutral in this exhibition game, both Joanne and me stayed out of the Red and Yellow. We donned Blue under the pinkish-orangish skies! Once again, we're there for another highly anticipated once-in-a-lifetime game!

Together with the rest of the 33,650 crowd, Dennis was there with us. I did manage to catch up with this former Singapore Olympic player who has already hung up his boots since the unfortunate motorbike incident early last year. He was on crutches on my wedding ya! He's the sort of serious lad who watched the game with a serious mind.. He didn't talk much throughout the entire game except some minor typical professional footballer's view on some of the play (if you know what I meant).

Everyone bought the (expensive) ticket to watch the brazilian samba but nobody out there would disagree with me that we all want the underdog, Singapore, to create an upset! To create an upset may seems too much but to let the famous yellow sweat for every ball will be a reasonable and realistic target.

Sitting in the crowd, I have chosen this position to have a better view of the entire play. Below, nearer to the stand, are for those who were looking at the players, not the play.

Tonnes of brazilian expats were there at the Grand Old Lady in full force!

Check out the latin drum beats with the curvy body dancing in the Brazil flaggy area! They are so musically inclined!

Game started. Ronaldinho leading the attack right from the start (forward) while Singapore, in red, DEFENDED from right to right to left to left to right again, to left.........

You will be surprise to hear me saying, the game was boring. Brazilian's passes were flawless. They would string 20passes round the entire Singapore's half effortlessly. Singapore team, on the other hand, could only chase the shadows. It was kind of one-sided game but this game allowed me to wittness the difference between a world current number 4 and world current number 127. Ronaldinho was not very impressive but his touches were still regards as Magic! At least, when I get old, I can tell my grand children that grandpa has watched Ronaldinho and the brazilian team played before!

End of the game, the yellows beat the reds three to nothing. Atmosphere was fantastic! Nothing I could complain about. The match was realistic and virtually happening. So much so to the overwhelming fanfare since the brazilian arrived last week, the game was considered good. 63bucks per person for the rare game was worth the money.

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