08 May 2009

mas selamat

rumours and speculations said that famous terrorist, mas selamat, has made his way out of e red dot since his escape early last year. i've never been convinced as i strongly trust e tight security measures which our country has built up in place.

while receiving e news where mas selamat has been captured in malaysia this early morning, it seems like i've been given a knock on my head, reminding me that i am still living in an ordinary country where normal civilian like me will be harmed while walking down e streets.

i am disappointed with e fact that mas selamat has managed to get himself out of singapore easily after his escape. so where were e soldiers and policemen? I thought newspaper reported so much on their heavy deployment around e small island where maybe a fly might not be able to fly out!

so naive hor..

i always thought that singapore has got one of e highest level of national security. ya, such incident does happen but as a true singaporean, i'd like to express my insecure and disappointment in react to such an issue. on e other hand, i'm impressed by how much we have been putting in in order to get mas selamat's head. i remembered reading one article where some guys actually quited their jobs and went hunting for mas selamat's head!

this episode has finally ended. regardless of mas selamat being captured on our island or on e other island across e causeway, i'm delighted with mild rejection.

kudoz to those who captured mas selamat and definitely big kudoz for those who did e posters for mas selamat. THE END.

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