this lovely boy here has survived e very first week at his new workplace. despite just 7days into my new job, i have unintentionally notice e different working traits in e american establishment. imagine my boss dropped us an email half an hour prior to knocking off timing, saying "TGIF, nothing to do and you may leave for e day, have a great weekend, see you next week!". truthfully say, this is e first time i've experienced such a kind note from a boss!
e fellow colleagues there in my department (MICE) are kind and friendly except a couple of ladies who don't seems to SMILE even if I took e initiative to smile at them, f**k it... my first day was awesome too. I walked into e office, was introduced to my desk and right round my visible vicinity, many familiar faces welcomed me like, roy, subash, saun, brenda, rebecca and etc.. e list goes on, i saw bernard, my campmate working with e IT team, i saw e other guy (don't know his name) working as a VIP host under casino section, saw peter, of my my futbol friends, working at casino call center and lots more. when you gather 10,000 people together at a workplace, i think that's what you will be expecting - meeting tonnes of familar faces under one roof!
i'm looking forward to this weekend. i will have a good rest and comes monday, i will be commencing my clietn interaction, email correspondence, discussion, meeting and whatever you call it, I am starting to WORK this coming monday! most probably some of my friends are waiting for my update here, and there you go!
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