20 October 2010

no longer a dream

year 1996, i was a 15yrs old kid who was donning e jersey of singapore recreational club (src) in e fas youth league. our opponent then were history-full clubs such as tampines rover, kakit bukit and etc. well, i was full of ambition and felt that e club would not be able to bring me far.

14 years later, this club won e prestige singapore fa cup.

this is no more longer a dream, an amateur team has won one of e most established award in singapore football scene. just when i think that its almost impossible, src has transformed from a low division league team to a champion team. all these years, ive wittnessed e clubs progress and pretty amazed by how fast e team has progressed. for those who dont know, many former national or sleague footballers ply their trade under src's name after their stint at e highest level. that has showed that e club means business, they are serious about creating an upset in e local football scene by recruiting high-calibre players.

i am delighted to know that src has made it among e local best. probably they should start to revamp and plan for e next realistic step - challenge for a place in next seasons sleague. with their excellent finance backing, i believe src will be e next big club in e sleague. i will be their very first fan.

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