28 January 2011

Men Top 5 Fashion Mistakes

i chanced upon this article from yahoo news and i couldnt help, i wanna give my 5cents worth of comment! hopefully men out there can improve ba, haha! its funny too! read on...

men's top 5 fashion mistakes, they are:

1. Absence of the The Right Fit
2. Collar Popping
3. Wearing sunglasses indoors or at night
4. Carrying women’s bags
5. Sports jerseys

e first one - absence of e right fit. e article goes this way saying some men really have a way of squeezing their butt into a freaking tight jeans and some are wearing a pair of jeans which it can accomodate 2 person! just recently i bought this pair of jeans from bugis, one of my favourite store actually, its those kind of body-hugging sort which can be used as a 3/4 jeans. well, among my jeans, that is e most tightest one and yet i think i look quite ok in that. reason being....?? im slim ma! anyway, i did see men and some friends of mine really squeezed themselves into a real tight jeans revealing their sexy butt curves! guys, time to relook at e whole proportion and e size ya. gonna find something which does not look ass-hugging tight and at e same time, no alien-workshop baggy!

collar popping. i admit i do popped my collar while im in my polo-T at times. and if theres time where im doing that, my wifey will be e first one to remind me to have e collar down! to her, polo-Ts collar should not be popped at ALL TIMES! now i truely believe what she said now. im gonna be guai and keep all collars down to earth on my 1.78m height frame to remain "IN" in e fashion world!

wearing sunglasses indoors or at night. arh ha... e moment i read this, it reminds me of e bollybood zee cine award which ive done recently at my workplace. everytime during this task force meeting to discuss on e events logistic, theres this think-that-he-sibei-yandao-and-cool indian guy who always has his shade on even if e meeting was held in a meeting room! and then my colleagues and myself would always joked about his shade and his undesired coolness! haha! ok, back to my case, so from now onwards, i will remind myself to remove my shade e moment i reach e train station cos normally i will always have it on to avoid eye contact even (sometimes) if im in an indoor venue such as train station, department stores and etc.

carrying womens bags! right from young, i remember my mum telling me NOT to carry womens bags. well, for her objective, its not about being "pang-dang" but to her, by carrying a womans bag is not e most manly thing to do. my wifey will agrue... her bags are all branded one ok! anyway, ive been cultivated as such so i cant help but to laugh while reading these! separately, i think my own collection of bags are more fashionable than my wifeys though! haha!

lastly sports jersey... buay tahan! it totally reminds me of my schoolmate, din! why leh? he is e typical guy who will wear jersey nearly everyday, be it to orchard or for study. you know e funniest part is what - hes not a football fan at all and yet he wears newcastle lah, man utd and etc! i ever asked him before why hes always in a football jersey and e reply is something which i would not disagree with, probably admit he has a superb valid point of view. he said jersey does not have crumpled after wash as much as normal t-shirts or shirts because of its material. so by wearing jersey daily, his mum will not have to iron his wears at all!! yar liao lor! (win already lor!) HAHAHA! when i was younger, i used to wear jersey around even during my courtship dayz with my wifey. now i dont do that anymore due to e fact that i am more aware of my personal fashion at stake.

to be presentable and outstanding among your peers, we will have to bring out e best in ourselves by not overdoing in certain dressing. fashion is all about do-you-dare-to-wear but adequately. something which we can carry off without being too "over-dress" and comfortable. dress accordingly to occasions and you will be oustanding and fashionable. not to forget e 5 pointers above too!

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